Fast Forward

The break has been as overextended as it was unintended. Life intervenes; the necessary asserts itself over the preferred and chosen. It’s an old story, familiar and not particularly interesting. It would be easy enough to disregard the time elapsed, but in place of that, I offer a visual retrospective, a sampling of images to…

This Social Distance

I didn’t know there was a name for my quirky lifestyle. Practical logistics dictated by our choice to move to a distinctly rural and reasonably remote area in the spring of 2001 amplified the tendency to social distance, but I’ve been working from home, staying put except for essential errands, and communicating mostly via email…

Back to England

Thirty-five years ago, in June, 1983, I traveled to England as part of a 4-H exchange. I no longer remember exactly how I came to sign up for the program, but what’s clear in retrospect is how much that summer shaped my life. Even without the international component, the trip would have been monumental for…

Out and About

Although it hasn’t happened in a while, there have been times since settling in at our place in central Colorado when I think back over the past week and realize that I haven’t left the property in six or seven or, occasionally, ten days. My record, I believe, is twelve days: a period approaching two…